Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Where to begin.... It was the best of times and it was the worst of, that won't work. It is a truth universally acknowledged...nope. Ok, seriously...I had the idea to create a blog like this after reading/seeing Julie and Julia. No offense to Julie, I wasn't wild about the book, but I absolutely ADORED the movie. This is mainly because I adore both Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. Anyway, not the point. I thought it was so cool that Julie was able to take something she cared about and become crazy famous from it, not that that's my goal with this, because honestly, who would want to watch a movie about reading books, but now I'm getting ahead of myself. Julie wanted to make something of herself and used her love of cooking to do it. I want to share a part of myself, and because I'm no great cook, I decided to share my love of reading.

I have always loved to read. My mom never had to force me to read as a child. In fact, the title of the blog is inspired from a bookmark I had as a kid with Longfellow's quote: "The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,and all the sweet serenity of books." I've always looked at reading that way, as a way to escape the world with a good story.

So now, I want to share with the world, or that small handful of friends who will read this blog because they love me, the books I read. I hope to share a book a week that I've read. This shouldn't be too hard since I'm in two book clubs and attend a really neat cooking/class book club every once in a while. I'd also like your opinions on books and possible suggestions for future reads.

So in the infamous words of LeVar Burton..."I'll see you next time."
(Reading Rainbow people!!!!)

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